Drills test


You are looking for a drill, but are unsure which one is the right one? Maybe this will be the first machine you want to purchase? Or you need a new one because your last succumbed to old age, and the new one should last longer? If you answered yes to just one of these questions, you’re on the right page. Here you will find a lot of interesting information about drilling machines. In essence, you will encounter our test of drills. We tested machines of different manufacturers and functions and published the results here.

Welcome to the page with the comprehensive drill test!

Why did we test this drills? It is important to us to communicate our experiences to consumers. Too often, we have found that manufacturers only publish the information that best reaches the consumer. Hardly any company will agree to write on the packaging of their product „Our product can be improved.“. While this would be very honest, it probably would not encourage you to buy. Nor do we conduct our test scientifically, as do consumer associations. With us the drills have been compared or we have looked at and tried and tested them. We want to share this information with other consumers and contribute a bit to decision-making. That’s why we did this test.

What do we have from it? In no case we have been asked or have received any consideration from anyone. We are looking forward to anyone receiving a first orientation guide and looking forward to our information. Then we have already reached the goal with our test.

What was tested and how was the test performed?

In our test, we first tried to find out in which price segment the drill is in the test. Here, a rough subdivision into lower, middle and upper price segment was made. We deliberately refrain from quoting detailed prices because they are subject to continuous fluctuations. After that we looked at and evaluated the design and the processing of the materials. But the application has always been interesting. Here we have also dealt with the different functions that each drill has brought.

We paid attention to the application and handling test. We have also always wondered if a machine is more in the hands of a professional or if even beginners can quickly achieve clean and accurate results with it.

Further findings from the test

From the execution of our test, we have also gained some knowledge and answered common questions on our guide pages. For example, women find some tips for home improvement, because not all ladies dare to stand by their hobby. However, it is now increasingly recognized that ladies look around the construction market for a new drill.

In addition, we noticed in the test that many people do not know how to best find the right drill for themselves. For this we have put together some tips and options. It is best, of course, if everyone took the time to try different models. But this is not possible with everyone. On our pages you will therefore find the first orientation aids to be able to put together the criteria that are personally important to you. If you want to modernize a house, it probably requires a powerful percussion drill. If, on the other hand, a hole in a city apartment is only occasionally necessary, then a drill with a solid output of up to 500 watts will usually suffice.

To find the right drill for yourself, you should take a close look at the results from each test. In the meantime, it no longer has to be the machines of well-known manufacturers that impress. Even lesser-known manufacturers produce reliable machines. In any case, all will comply with applicable security policies. But we noticed in our test that not all people know what safety tips they should follow, so they can use the drill safely. Here too you will find information on these pages. Furthermore, it is important that the proper care of the machines takes place. Here you will find tips and hints that can be quickly integrated into the workflow and that will allow you to enjoy the test for a long time.

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