The best soundbars 2019


Although the TV sets of today are getting smaller and more compact, but this is often at the expense of sound quality. Speakers do not always find the space they need in the flat screens to create a great sound experience. This is where the soundbars can help. They serve as a compact complement to the music system or the TV and give any note the right note. Some soundbars can also be used as a portable companion for the mobile devices. An overview of the different device types is provided by the soundbar comparison.

Various soundbar types in the overview

In order to play music or other sounds in a good sound relationship, usually at least 2 speakers are needed. But these have little space, especially in handy devices, such as a smartphone or a tablet, flat screen TVs or smaller stereos. The soundbars provide the right background noise, because here are several speakers in one device. This can be used to create a virtual sound. The external devices are available as a curved soundbar or quite classically as a soundbar in a straight rectangular shape. The soundbar with subwoofer ensures particularly intense sounds and thus also at home for an optimal cinematic experience. The different sound models and solutions are presented by the soundbar comparison.

Soundbar Type Description

TV Soundbar The TV Soundbar is usually available with an external subwoofer. There are also models in which the subwoofer is already integrated. Especially in size, weight and sound quality, there are differences. The TV soundbar with integrated soubwoofer is much heavier than the devices with the external subwoofer. Due to their size, they can be set up very flexibly. They are usually connected via Bluetooth, so there are no annoying and annoying cables in the room. The Soundbar 2.1 is one of the most common devices. They are also referred to as a sound deck or soundbase. However, there is only a limited volume of noise here. When you want the best cinematic experience, that’s often not enough. However, the 2.1 solution can be upgraded to the Soundbar 5.1 with a few accessories. With appropriate additional boxes, there is also in the home living room the optimal cinema sound. The advantage of the Soundbar 2.1 is above all its favorable price. Corresponding devices are already under 200 euros. Interested parties have to dig deeper for the Soundbar 5.1. Especially the Bose Soundbar, the Teufel Soundbar or the Samsung Soundbar are among the more expensive models.

Soundbar with Radio The Sounbar with radio is also available as a curved soundbar. The devices not only have an appealing look, but also offer an optimal sound. The trick here is that not only the speakers, but also a separate radio are integrated. Most such a soundbar is provided with subwoofer and portable. It is mainly used for mobile devices and less for televisions. This is also noticeable in the size. The soundbars are usually much smaller and handier than the classic TV sets, as a possible TV soundbar test reveals.

Bluetooth Soundbar Most of the devices work today via a Bluetooth connection. Thus, only the supply of electricity via a cable is necessary. However, further annoying and unsightly stripping is dispensed with. The connection is made via the Bluetooth function in the TV. The transmission, however, has a small disadvantage. If the radio link between the Bluetooth Soundbar and the TV is disturbed, the sound may be delayed.
Soundbar with subwoofer The devices with subwoofer are mainly used as a soundbar for televisions. In them, additional speakers are built for intense bass tones, so that a cinema sound is generated. As a soundbar for PC, however, these devices are rather unsuitable due to their size and the voluminous sound reproduction.

Which soundbar is right for you?

Soundbar Connections:
Connecting the soundbar is the basis for an optimal sound experience. Meanwhile, the devices offer numerous connection options. Not only the TV or the radio, but also the Blu-Ray or DVD players can be connected to a soundbar. The Bluetooth function ensures a wireless connection.
Where can the devices be bought cheaply?
The soundbar offers are very diverse, especially on the internet. Here are devices of different prices. Due to the large number of manufacturers and product types, a price comparison is recommended before purchasing. Saturn or Media Markt occasionally offer individual models cheap. The discounters Aldi or Lidl also have changing offers for home theater systems. Due to the many suppliers, customers can choose from numerous sizes and colors. Classic shades include white, silver or black.

Soundbar or 5.1 Sound System – which is better?

Whether it should be a Sounbar or a 5.1 system, decides the preferred listening pleasure. Should there be a home theater in your own home, the 5.1 version is the better alternative. The sound is here many times more intense. However, there are also soundbars that play similar good sounds. This includes, for example, the Yamaha Soundbar.

Is there a soundbar leaderboard?

There are numerous comparative reports and experiences that show particularly good devices. However, these impressions are mostly subjective. Nevertheless, such a recommendation from customers can be a first aid for a possible purchase decision.

How should the soundbar be set?

How the soundbar is set up depends largely on the structure of the device. If it is a classic 2.1 soundbar, it is usually placed directly under the TV. If the system consists of several components, they should be distributed throughout the room.

The most popular soundbar manufacturer
A Bose soundbar combines quality with elegance.
A Bose soundbar combines quality with elegance.

Above all, well-known manufacturers, such as Bose, Teufel or LG, are particularly popular in the field of sound reproduction. They also make up the majority of soundbars sold. The following overview shows other brands that also have good sound reproduction products in their range.
Accessories for a soundbar
To install and build the soundbar some accessories are necessary. Those who are interested can find out here.

Bracket: The bracket is especially important when mounting sound elements to the wall. The brackets are available in different design variants and sizes. They can be quickly fixed with dowels and provide, if the boxes are adequately detonated, for a balanced sound experience.
Cables: Many soundbars are connected via cable to the TV, stereo or other output devices. The cables are also among the wear parts and can therefore break. Corresponding audio cables are available from specialist retailers from numerous manufacturers.
Brush: With a brush, the soundbar can be rid of dust or other dirty residue. Here, the fine hair of the brush is particularly well suited to not damage the sensitive membranes of the boxes.

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