Light Alarm Clock Test – The best daylight alarm clock


If you are tired of being woken up by a shrill alarm clock ringing early in the morning, you should think about purchasing a light alarm clock. While experience has shown that it is easier to get out of bed in the summer, it is often difficult for us during the dark autumn and winter months. Outside, it is still pitch dark and our internal clock advises us to go to sleep.

Click here for the best light alarm clock for 2019

The reason for this is the sleep hormone melatonin, which makes us tired. In the absence of daylight we therefore often feel limp and moody during the winter. That does not have to be that way with the Sunlight Alarm Clock!

With a light alarm clock you can easily get the sunrise into the bedroom. Through a light alarm, the body is suggested that it is time to get up. This is ensured by the hormones cortisol and serotonin. While cortisol is produced on awakening and provides the body with the necessary energy, the happiness hormone serotonin is often produced during the day when sunlight hits the retina of the eye.

That’s why we feel much better in sunny weather than on a gray November day. With the help of a light alarm clock morning mum can finally get up in the morning in a good mood and feel fit and full of energy. For this reason, light alarm clocks are also often used for light therapy during winter depression or hormonal imbalances.

There is a wide selection of light alarm clocks with a variety of names such as A wake-up light, S Sunlight alarm clock to W as Wake Up Light. However, the purpose of the daylight alarm clock is always the same: By slowly brightening light they promise a gentle and pleasant wake-up. But what is the difference between the light alarm clocks and how do I find the best daylight alarm clock model for me? The answer to these questions can be found in our light alarm test.

Directly to the large light alarm test comparison table

Lichtwecker Test: Worth knowing about daylight alarm clock
Wake Up Light mode of operation
Wake up happilyThe most important basic function of a light alarm is the simulation of the sunrise by gradually brighter light. Numerous light alarm clocks also have a twilight function, which acts exactly opposite and makes falling asleep easier.

For many light alarms, the sunrise time is exactly 30 minutes; But there are also daylight alarm clocks, where you can vary the duration individually between 15 and 120 minutes. This has the advantage that each sunlight alarm clock user can customize the wake-up process on Wake Up Light individually to their own body. After all, we all react differently to different light intensities.

Therefore, it is also very beneficial for the alarm clock with light, if you can also change the brightness of the wake-up light directly on the light alarm. There are big differences in the maximum brightness of the alarm clock. Good daylight alarm clocks in the light-alarm test offer up to 300 lux. The lower the maximum brightness of the sunlight alarm clock, the greater the danger that the Wake Up Light will not really get any better despite increasing brightness.

Then only a buzzer integrated into the light alarm will help to ensure that we really wake up. From simple alarm beeps to natural sounds and personal favorites from the integrated radio, the various alarm clocks offer a wide range of options. Just light alarm clocks with natural sounds such as birdsong, roaring birds and barbequed crickets are very popular and convey the feeling of actually waking up in the midst of nature. Provided the sunrise alarm clock sounds really natural!

Equipment of the alarm clock with light

The wake-up light is usually not the only light source of the alarm clock, as it often has a backlit LED display. In order to be able to sleep peacefully at night, the LED display should be dimmable or even completely switched off by the daylight alarm clock on various levels. In particular, those who like to sleep in the dark at night should make sure that the backlight of the Wake Up Light Display can be switched off before buying a light alarm.

In addition, as well as the light and the volume of the alarm clock at the light alarm should rise slowly, so you are actually gently brought out of the sleep phase. In fact, similar to a sleep phase alarm, light alarm clocks should ensure that a light sleep phase of the body is used to wake up. If the alarm from the daylight alarm clock is too uncomfortable, too loud or too unnatural, even the most amazing light alarm will not produce the desired result.

It is advantageous if the light alarm has 2 wake-up times. Then you do not have a new time every weekend

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